Blocked by Entitlement: How a Homeowner Taught a Parking Lesson to a School-Run Parent

We all know living next to a school comes with its own set of problems, especially at pickup and drop-off times when parents park wherever they can find a spot. A homeowner, who usually aborts the urge to go ape over cars blocking his driveway, hit his limit. The situation turned into a standoff when a parent aggressively refused to move her car from blocking a homeowner who needed to get into his garage.

But what began as a simple ask quickly escalated into a personal lesson on the rights of others and an entitlement all of her own, as the homeowner went so far as to block the driveway in retaliation, forcing the stubborn parent to just sit and wait it out. The verbal exchange, punctuated with comic relief and rising tempers, resulted in the privileged motorist storming down the road in a huff as a grateful homeowner and amused neighbors looked on.

If everyone sitting behind the wheel behaved politely, it would save everyone a lot of nerves

A person shared how he got back at an overly entitled mom with an attitude who blocked his driveway

Image credits: Mike Jones (not the actual image)

The Legal and Social Implications of Driveway Disputes

Legal Boundaries of Driveway Use

Driveways belong to the homeowner and using it without permission is trespassing. Under property law in most jurisdictions, a driveway providing access from a road to private land will be treated as part of the land itself. Motion for Trespassing The trespassing law states homeowners can demand that unauthorized users leave their property immediately. Local statutes provide the consequences of refusing to comply, resulting in civil or criminal action. As FindLaw explains, continual or deliberate trespass are also subject to fines or lawsuits.

The homeowner in this incident defended their right to block their driveway from overuse. Though unorthodox, this strategy fell into the realm of legality since there was no destruction or injury. Yet, the argument over access can lead to harassment allegations if not approached carefully, but this is significant delay to take such step.

School Zones and Parking Etiquette

Many residents cite parking around schools as an ongoing friction point. Research has shown that school zone congestion can cause intensified conflict between parents and local homeowners. According to the National Center for Safe Routes to School, schools need more traffic management with designated waiting areas and better public awareness efforts by parents.


The parental attitude here is indicative of a large-scale problem: the failure to finish the job on respect for shared spaces in cities and suburbs. With some education aimed at the parents to respect local laws and ensure they are considering the needs of the residents where they are staying, no doubt these types of incidents could be avoided altogether or at least cut down significantly.

Precedents in Driveway Disputes

The internet has seen similar driveway quarrels go viral, with some drawing the public’s attention. One high-profile incident involved a homeowner who filed suit against his neighbor for allegedly blocking the homeowner’s driveway during construction work. In what the homeowner and his supporters now call a victory for private property, and against the tyranny of unjust county rules, an appeals court ruled in his favor.

Image credits: Pok Rie (not the actual image)

Preventative measures, including visible signage, barriers or surveillance cameras, might be an option for homeowners facing repeated intrusions. In other instances, local law enforcement can reflect the seriousness of trespass offenses.

Social Dynamics and Community Solutions

It also offers insight into how neighbors view and back each other during disputes. The neighbours who live near the homeowner said they sympathised with the situation, implying other residents have their own grievances about the chaos caused by parents dropping off and picking up children from the school. Community consensus, perhaps working with the school on improved traffic standards, could lead to solutions with greater longevity. Some cities, such as San Francisco, have decreased congestion and reduced conflict by creating “safe school corridors”.

Here’s what some people had to say after they read about what happened


This story exemplifies larger entitlement, boundaries and community issues. The homeowner offered an entertaining lesson in patience with this funny yet assertive answer, and reminded people sleeping on private property to be more respectful.

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