This Woman Was Nervous About Her Photoshoot With Fiancé, But The Result Won The Internet

We are so often assaulted today with images of plastic people on social media every waking minute, filtered and airbrushed to the point where no emotion or feeling—those human connections that Burkin and Heisler reflect through their image and inseparable into our hearts—are present.

Enter stage right a young Texas pair: Stephanie and Arryn. These ladies are not models, but pals of Wolf & Rose Photography’s Bria Terry. She answered an everyday call for models to participate in a boudoir photoshoot and obviously — ended up with the following results.

Normally, when Wolf & Rose Photography posts a photoshoot on their Facebook page—and they’ve been known to post thousands of times over the years—it’s just normal protocol, but this time it blew up. So what is it about these specific photos that have created such a fuss? We will leave you to make the choice. But the photographs’ apparent love, chemistry, and confidence—and lack of shame about embracing visible bodies—speak volumes to anyone who’s ever scrolled through an infamously nasty corner of the internet: the comments sections. Since breaking the mold with this photoshoot, body-positive messages such as “As a plus size woman, this gives me hope that not all men care about what size you are” also have been inspired.

Like so many people, Stephanie has taken the chance she has been given to get her body-positive message to millions of people who suffer from the false expectations that social and mainstream media sets us up for which leads to poor self-esteem. I remember in middle school looking at myself and going, Why doesn’t my stomach look like it’s ‘supposed to’? that she told HuffPost. For years I have been accepting that I will always be plus-size. I step out of my bubble and wear clothes that I enjoy but are not the stereotypical thing for society to approve of a larger woman wearing, such as crop tops, fitted shirts, short dresses, and shorts. I carry my head high, smile wherever I go, and have no guilt in myself. She had a great time with the photo shoot herself and loved how it turned out. When she first saw the album, she said, “Honestly, I have never felt more sexy in my life.” “I was shocked. I look all romantically vibrant and cocky. And every person should be able to view themselves that way. It is really eye-opening.”

So here from all of us at Swag Bae to Stephanie and Arryn, who will be tying the knot in early 2019, and Bria for so beautifully showcasing their intimate chemistry. In a quote to Healthline, Bria said the couple made her work appear effortless. “It really is so inspiring to me how close they are with one another. As a photographer, I have always hoped that through my lens people will see the beauty they possess and I feel like this is what was accomplished here. I am a firm believer in love. The Size, the Race, the Religion, and the Sexuality — All of these are many times used to divide us, but we all just need love at the end of the day. That’s certainly why these photos seem to have taken off. But most importantly, you can see the love these two have for each other.”


Scroll down and take a look at the pretty pictures below. Love knows no bounds — literally!

More info: Wolf & Rose Photography

“I remember being in junior high and looking at myself in the mirror, wondering why my stomach wasn’t the way it was ‘supposed’ to be.”

“Over the years, I’ve come to accept that I am always going to be considered plus-size”


“I walk around with my head high, smiling, and show no shame in myself”

“I honestly have never felt more attractive,” was her reaction to first seeing the album



“I was shocked. I look so in love and confident”

“Every person should be able to see themselves in that light. It is really eye-opening”


The photographer believes that “The connection they share is truly inspiring, even to me”


“It has always been my hope as a photographer to show people the beauty that they hold, and I feel like I’ve done this here”


“I am a firm believer in love. Size, race, religion, and sexuality are all things that are at times used to divide us, but at the end of the day, we all just want to be loved”


The photoshoot resonated with people across the internet





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